Acclaimed Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie joined Guardian UK for a live webchat session with her fans.
Chimamanda answered questions about motherhood, feminism, her creative process, female sexuality and early failure. The author who recently revealed that she gave birth to a baby girl described motherhood as exciting and terrifying at the same time.
Chimamanda answered questions about motherhood, feminism, her creative process, female sexuality and early failure. The author who recently revealed that she gave birth to a baby girl described motherhood as exciting and terrifying at the same time.
"What excites you the most about being a new mom? What terrifies you the most about being a mom? A fan asked
"Most exciting – a new and unique kind of love has come into my life, glorious and joyful and encompassing and full of discovery. Most terrifying – the anxiety-filled desire to protect her from everything and the terror-filled sense that I cannot." she gushed.
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